submerged lubrication oil pump in Dubai UAE
Sumberged lubrication oil pump is mostly used for ship applications and the oil pumps job is to take an distribute the lubricant oil into the engine. marine land in Dubai and Sharjah UAE is best place for persons.
Lubricating oil pumps are used to supply oil to lubrication points, for example: simple bearings.
In the case of circulating lubrication, the lubricating oil pump takes some oil from a tank, passes it through the lubrication points, and then returns it to the tank. For this purpose, gear pumps that are able to create high static pressure in the lubrication system are preferably used.
In a fresh lubrication system or economical lubrication, each lubrication point is supplied with the right amount of oil for its needs. Special piston pumps are usually required for this purpose.
Single-stage torsion chambers or multi-stage pumps are used to supply oil to large simple bearings, such as steam turbines or generators. They are submersible pumps that are mounted directly on the oil tank and have a throttle liner in the shaft passage instead of the usual shaft seal.
Therefore, oil leakage returns directly to the oil tank. The lubrication pump used for simple grease-lubricated bearings is also a piston pump. In this case, the grease tank is placed on top of the pump to ensure that the grease always feeds positively to the lubrication pump with the help of a mechanical stirrer and a little too much pressure in the tank.